William Paauwe

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William as he is today.

Now live in Sydney since 97 after spending about 10 years in Brisbane. Finished Accountancy Degree - Queensland University of Technology.

Spent 4 years in horrid Chartered Accountancy firms, doin tax returns and my sums. I think Chartered Accountants have many chromosomes missing! 5 Years at The Wesley Hospital started as little assistant accountant finished up finance supervisor. When I started my boss said you manage the 25 staff and I will do the accounts, then we will swap. I wished I had a photo of my face after he said I will be managing 25 first day. In hindsight was great experience, had to sit with 20 girls and listen to their problems! Saw some blood and guts made lots of friends. Fainted in the Cardiac Catheter Theatre when a large needle was inserted into a very big vein and a plume of blood sprayed across the room. I made sure I don't enter CCTs and fainting stopped. I will also never forget the smell of a spinal fusion.

Moved to Sydney in Feb 97 worked as Financial/Management accountant etc. Finished up Asia Pacific Management Accountant. After spending nearly 10 years in large companies and realised that maybe all accountants have a few chromosomes missing. A friend of mine asked me to caretake a little job in a manufacturing firm and have been there for 2 years now. There's something about working any hours you want, having own office etc that I should have realised at the beginning of life's exercise. End of the year I am going to start my own little accountancy/consultancy business, I have said that for last few years now, don't hold your breath.

Around 92 told my ex girlfriend Jodie that I was gay, she did not take it well. After a year of calming down we became very good friends again. Jodie gave birth do a little boy a few months ago in London to husband Alin. We met at first year Uni, of course had a ball, lots of fun, think I permanently damaged parts of my brain. Ron Compange was a witness to the above. He and I used to share a big ole house with 100 people, 2 of them studied piano (Ron one of them), in hindsight not a good idea having piano going 24/7. Ron ran away with a Bachelor of Music or BA can't remember. My mum tells me he is playing in a band, also at Fisherman's Wharf on the weekends. He is also a fertile father of 4 or 5?

After Jo & I broke up and went to my first night club and realised I was the size of two boys, started out at 75k at 17 was 110kg by 23 and lost 25k in 4 months and gained muscle and realised that being tall blonde was not such a bad thing! Not saying what I weigh now, must go back to the gym.. hmmmm..

I have volunteered for New Mardi Gras for about 5 years now, organising parade & finance working group. If you visit Syd at Mardi time I'm Start Area Coordinator come and say Hi. We have been working hard over last few months to put on a great Sleaze Ball 2005 on a shoe string budget. Saw Melissa Tkautaz & Rogue Traders live. Check out the photos http://www.mardigras.org.au/Photos/Sleaze2005/Community/default.htm Met Anna Nicole Smith at last Mardi, thought she was a drag queen with big tits, I asked her if she walked in the parade, she said in a whimsical pho Marilyn voice, "I was driven in a car" to which I screamed you lucky bitch we all had to walk all the way from Hyde Park to Fox Studios and my feet are killing me.

Now live in Newtown with flatmate Shane, near Chocolate Dog Cafe King Street if you know Newtown. I'm starting to slow down a bit maybe that something we are all saying. I no longer go to the raves or dance clubs, sure that was fun in my 20's ok mid 30's. Now more of a pub boy with a large group of friends, always something happening, birthdays, drinks and more drinks and a few Mardi dance parties.

Going to try and find a flight for Oct 29, think I have left my run a bit late. Must check my points see if I can squeeze another flight out of it, nothing like quaffing bottle of sav plonk on your way to qld, qua qua.

Ok kiddies best wishes to all. Please give me a call if you are in Sydney don't need a reason to, King Street Newtown has the most number of restaurants on one street, apparently. Prob why I have doubled in size.

Feel free to drop me a line 0415 870 582 or email williampaauwe@hotmail.com others easier to remember williamp@accountant.com or williamp@email.com.

William Paauwe

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William and Marie.