Jason Arndt

After leaving school spent 6 months going surfing every day with David Todd. Then he got a job then my parents told me to go get a job. Really career orientated wasn’t I. So I started as a store-man at Mad Barry’s and worked my way up to salesman ( whoopee ). Then I got offered an apprenticeship as a cabinetmaker. Hated that. Then my father offered me an apprenticeship as a carpenter. Thought I better do something with my life other than surfing and chasing skirts. I ended up loving carpentry and received apprentice of the year at Benowa Tafe twice. Anyway I met my fiancée near the end of my apprenticeship and decided to get married, much to every-ones surprise, as I said I would never do that. So I had to move up to Brisbane, as my new wife couldn’t get a transfer from her job to the Gold Coast. So I had to travel most of the time from Brisbane to the Gold Coast. Hated Brisbane but learnt to live with it. So after a few years of married bliss decided to start a family. The wife at the time fell pregnant straight away from going off the pill ( legend I know ) had a beautiful baby boy. Blonde hair blue eyes. Then we had another baby boy 18 months later. Same story again. ( Legend again ). This time Brown hair, green eyes. Named them Jayden and Reiss. Jayden is now 10 and Reiss is 8. Love them more than anything else in the world. Unfortunately my marriage didn’t work out, not for the lack of trying though. So I now see them on Sundays. Although I take them to karate with me on a Wednesday night.

I am currently living with some-one at the moment at Rochedale ,but not officially married. Everything going alright so far. Touch wood.

My parents currently live at Hervey Bay , so I spend a lot of my Holidays up there, the boys love it. What am I doing now.

I work as a contract building estimator ( quantity surveyor ) and do some long hours, but it pays the bills. Have lunch with Trish Utz every now and again at Park Rd ( Milton) So if any-one wants to join us feel free.

My interests are Karate ( currently a brown belt with 2 black stripes “ 1st Kyu “ in Japanese terms ) my next belt is black belt ( Sho-dan ). Love it.

I also like weight-training, kayaking, golf, swimming, motor-racing anything sporty really.

I do hope to return to the Gold Coast one day as I still miss the life-style. Hate Brisbane still.

Loved the re-union as it was great to see every-one again and hope we have another one soon.

Email: jason@totalestimating.com

Silvana Monte, Jason, Benay Dickenson and Nicola Jobson.